This Hoerspiel (audioplay, c. 45 min) is the final project of my Spring 2009 Senior Seminar on Germanic heroic epic. The script is based on a draft by Geoff Poss. ACHTUNG: This is the *uncensored* version; there is some obscenity in Episode 4. A censored version will follow soon. Below are the episodes & roles. Next month when I get more bytes I'll also upload each episode individually.

Epic Failure framing narrative

Host: Geoff Poss
Epic deconstructionists: Molly Saunders, Zach Fox
Writers: Geoff Poss, Molly Saunders, Zach Fox

Episode 1. Siegfried and the Dragon

Siegfried: Chandler Coats
Fafnir: Carlos Burse
Regin: Ryan Hill
Writers: Kristen Hicks, Liz Rice, Ryan Hill

Episode 2. The Valkyrie

Brunhild's mother: Ashley Bell
Brunhild: Elenita Link
Siegfried: Chandler Coats
Writers: Caitlin Taber, Michael Floyd, Ashley Bell
Music: In Extremo, "Liam Liam"

Episode 3. The Potion

Ute: Laura Hagele
Ortwin: Alexander Sager
Kriemhild: Lily Ryan
Siegfried: Chandler Coats
Writers: Aileen Thomas, Karla Misjan, Michelle Chua,
Colleen Lanese
Music: Tielman Susato, Ronde; Carolus Souliaert, "wilt doch mit
maten drinken"
Episode 4. The Plan

Siegfried: Chandler Coats
Gunther: Clint Smith
Hagen: Eric Gordon
Writers: Alexa Kourafas, Jessica Letaw, Lauren Edson, Clint Smith
Music: Bernard de Ventadorn, "quan vei la lauzeta mover"

Production & sound: Alexander Sager

Direct download: EpicFailureTheNibelungs.mp3
Category:Studentenwerk -- posted at: 4:46pm UTC

Below are two clusters of radio plays. The first, in German, are based on Hartmann von Aue's Iwein and were written and performed by the students (mostly college juniors and seniors) in a course devoted to medieval German Arthurian romance. The second batch, in English, were the work of the students in my freshman seminar "Liebestod und Untergang: Narratives of Passion and Catastrophe in the German Middle Ages".

Casts, roles, and music are identified along with each piece. If you wish to comment, you may use the comment fields or send me an email (, which I will pass along to the students. Enjoy!

Alexander Sager

Category:Studentenwerk -- posted at: 2:36am UTC





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